To spark a conversation about diversity in your organization, facilitate an activity or process that can raise issues of diversity, and that activity must involve the mutual creation of a new reality. One such activity is the “message exercise” in which a brief instance of massaging the point where the neck and shoulder meet enables you to experience a new reality on a firsthand basis.
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Covid-19 – Threats & Opportunities Triathlon
How Dispute Resolution, Debriefing and Balance can Improve Quality of Interactions in Organizations
What involves a management behavior that’s highly committed to synergy? Well, it’s a management that encourages informal interactions, resolves conflicts, balances opposites, embraces debriefing and appoints a synergy trustee.
Organizational Boundary Management – Effective Ways to Improve Interactions and Create Synergy
Increasingly, it’s necessary to leave the practice of defining job roles without involving employees in the process. It’s out of date, and serves only to do more harm than good. Absence of interaction and invasion may result, and they are much more destructive than obscurity. Involve your employees in direct and open dialogues to draw up a job description.
How to Reduce Patterns of no Communication to Avoid Invasion and Obscurity
When employees feel that the management doesn’t involve them in decision-making processes, they would feel that the organization doesn’t listen to them. It can be difficult to assimilate a new procedure, order, command or technology if employees perceive it as unfair, unsuitable, harmful or incorrect. If nothing is done to correct one-way communication, these feelings can change in invasion or obscurity interactions. Consequently, the organization has to bear the consequences of low motivation and low productivity.
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